See also my CV.
Articles and Book Chapters:​​
“Moral Disagreement, Moral Testimony, and Meta-ethics,” (forthcoming) The Oxford Handbook of Ethical Theory, updated edition, eds. David Copp and Connie Rosati.
"Intellectual Humility and Christian Faith," (forthcoming) Religious Studies
"What are Epistemic Standards?" with Michael G. Titelbaum (forthcoming) Attitude in Philosophy, eds. Sanford Goldberg and Mark Walkder, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
"New and Improved: Pessimism about Testimony's Role in Developing Understanding," (forthcoming) Australasian Journal of Philosophy.
"Why are Epistemic Reasons Normative?" (2024) Episteme, 21(3): 1048-1063.
"Intellectual Humility: A No-Distraction Account," (2024) Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 108(2): 320-337.
"(Joint) Achievements and the Value Problem," (2023) Synthese.
"Trust, Testimony, andReligion," (2023) The Cambridge Handbook of Religious Epistemology, eds. John Greco, Tyler McNabb, and Jonatan Fuqua.
"Humility for Everyone: A No-Distraction Account," (2022) Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 104(3): 623-638. (no-paywall-version here)
"What to Expect from the God of History," (2022) Faith and Philosophy.
"Disagreement, Testimony, and Religious Understanding," (2022) Religious Disagreement and Pluralism, eds. M. Benton and J. Kvanvig, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
"Could God Love Cruelty? A Partial Defense of Unrestricted Theological Voluntarism," (2021) Faith and Philosophy, 38(1): 26-44.
"Moral Testimony," (2021) Routledge Handbook of Social Epistemology, eds. Peter Graham, Miranda Fricker, David Henderson, and Nikolaj Pedersen.
"Epistemic Existentialism," (2021) Episteme, 18(4): 539-554.
"Perception, Discrimination, and Knowledge," (2020) Philosophical Issues, 30(1): 39-53.
"Skill and Knowledge," (2020) co-authored with Ernest Sosa, Routledge Handbook on Skill and Expertise, eds. Carlotta Pavese and Ellen Fridland.
"Moral Reasons Not to Breastfeed: A Response to Woollard and Porter," (2019) The Journal of Medical Ethics, 45: 213-214.
"Moral Testimony: A Re-conceived Understanding Explanation," (2018) The Philosophical Quarterly, 68(272): 437-459.​
"On the Problem of Paradise," (2016) Faith and Philosophy, 33(2): 129-141.
"Well-Tuned Trust as an Intellectual Virtue," (2014) co-authored with Timothy O’Connor, Religious Faith and Intellectual Virtue, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 246-276.
"Introduction," (2014) co-authored with Timothy O’Connor, ibid., pp. 1-26.
Edited volumes:
Religious Faith and Intellectual Virtue, (2014), co-edited with Timothy O’Connor, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Book reviews:
Review for Ethics: Jonathan L. Kvanvig, Faith and Humility, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (2019)
Public philosophy:
"When breast isn't best," Aeon, May 9, 2019.
"Motherhood and the moral load," Think, April 16, 2021.